The History of Spring Cleaning and What We Do
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The History of Spring Cleaning and What We Do

The tradition of spring cleaning goes back even further than I imagine most people realise. I think many, like me, visualise it as a Victorian tradition of taking the rugs outside to beat out the dust and whitewashing the walls. However, the practice can be seen far back in time, in many different cultures, and…

Sustainability: How to get children involved?

Sustainability: How to get children involved?

Sustainability is, at its most basic, the capacity for Earth’s biosphere and humankind to co-exist. Or, the way that I explain it to our children: sustainability is the idea that our choices should take into account future generations. This is a broad subject that encompasses many areas (see the previous post about this in more detail here)…

Sustainability: What is it and why is it important?

Sustainability: What is it and why is it important?

We’ve all heard the word sustainability get thrown around, whether on social media, the news or through speaking with friends. But what actually is it? Is it important? How is it relevant to us and our lives? These are all questions we asked ourselves when starting our sustainability journies, and things we frequently discuss still…

Sustainability: the Christmas Tree debate
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Sustainability: the Christmas Tree debate

The ‘real vs fake’ Christmas tree debate hasn’t shown any signs of slowing down, with different groups coming out in favour of one side or the other, which has made writing this article very hard. We went out and bought a 6-foot fake tree from the reduced section 5 years ago now, confident that we…

Sustainable Christmas Shopping
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Sustainable Christmas Shopping

Christmas is such a wonderful time of year but unfortunately it can often be perceived as an extremely expensive holiday. We have been shopping sustainably for Christmas for a few years now and below are some of our favourite go-to options when sourcing presents for our loved ones. Secondhand We’ve talked about this a lot…

Homemade and Sustainable Halloween Outfits
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Homemade and Sustainable Halloween Outfits

I have always loved the idea of family Halloween outfits. Some people think it’s cheesy and that’s cool, but I frigging love them. My husband has always been on the cheesy-naff side of things and never wanted to BUT this year Little Bear decided she wants all of us to dress as the Mickey Mouse…

Making our home welcoming to my partner’s children

Making our home welcoming to my partner’s children

Dating someone who has children isn’t unusual these days, but as your relationship progresses and you become more involved in each other’s lives it can bring new experiences, challenges and memories for all involved. I am not a parent myself and am still discovering my parenting style which adds to the learning curve; these littles…