Finding Comfort in January
Comfort seems to have negative connotations in our society these days. I guess it all links into the busy, busy, busy, more, more, more lifestyle ideal that is pushed on us.
But comfort, wanting comfort, seeking comfort, and enjoying comfort, is not a bad thing. It’s needed.
In my opinion, there is nothing better than a full night’s sleep, a warming home-cooked meal, or a hot bath (cold showers can do one, I am healthy enough in other areas of my life, this Mama doesn’t do cold water).
So as we find ourselves trudging through January, everyone dealing with sickness bugs, the cost of everything at astronomical levels, I am fighting my mental health, the obnoxious voices in my head, and I am trying my damnedest to heal my tired heart and show my beautiful children how January should be done.
1. Slow Down
I am not trying to do too much each day. I will cook our meals, complete one load of washing and do one extra house chore.
Yes, the house is messier than normal, especially with an upset 3-year-old in a full-leg cast, but I’d much rather spend my time tucked up on the sofa with him, reading books and watching Peter Rabbit.
2. Do Something Nice for Someone Else
I did 75 Days of Childhood Magic for my children in the lead-up to Christmas and I enjoyed it so much. It really is the little things that make a difference and making another’s day special can make you feel special. That’s how karma works.
3. Savour your meals
I really enjoy cooking and eating and January is a really good month for warm comforting foods. I honestly believe that mother nature knows what’s best for us and what our bodies need. That’s why she has provided us with everything we need for comforting soups and stews, roasted veggies, savoury pies, roast potatoes with EVERYTHING and, of course, apple pie. You name any comfort food you can think of and I bet you most of the ingredients you need are in season now!
My advice? Cook them, and then really take the time to enjoy eating them.
4. Play with your loved ones
And I mean really play. Turn the phone off, get on the floor with the Duplo, or the toy cars, all sit around the table for a board game, build lego with your husband in the evenings. Really be a child again. Honestly, it’s bloody great.
5. Spend time with your people
You know who those people are. The ones who really get you, who know when you aren’t actually okay, regardless of what you tell the rest of the world. The ones who turn up and don’t judge you for being in your jammies for the evening. The ones who, if it was anyone but them you would cancel, but you don’t because you know they will be good for your soul. Reach out to them. See if they are free one evening, or tell them what you are doing on Saturday and see if they are able to join you. They might not be, but they also might be and connection with your people is good for you.
6. Get outside
If you suffer from the cold as I do then try and get yourself some good winter bits. I got some ski trousers last year and they are a game changer. Wrap yourself up and get yourself outdoors. It will help to lift your mood, keep you active and get your children’s imaginations soaring.
In January we like to do seaside walks, forest walks and kite flying. We also visit the ducks in our local pond if it’s a damp day and we don’t want to be out for long.
I know times are hard for so many at the moment but we really do have the means to make time for comfort, and hopefully joy, even if just for a small moment.
What brings you comfort in this month?
Happy January all, I hope you find your comfort.