
Simple and fun Easter crafts

These are a few fun little things I made in the evenings over the last few weeks. I love to have seasonal decor in the house to really get into the holiday spirit, whatever the holiday maybe, but I also aim to be frugal and sustainable. Due to these two requirements, I make as much as I can. It’s super fun, helps with my anxiety, and has so much more meaning. The children love that I’ve made them an Easter game and a sign for the table. One day I understand they may not feel like that, but for now, I love it and so do they.

Pin the tail on the bunny

I love to make fun family games. A chance for us to bond over being silly. As you can see from the photos I used an old cardboard box and simply painted it with white acrylic paint. I found it needed two coats of paint so you couldn’t see the cardboard through it. Then I sketched out a simple bunny silhouette (with help from my daughter, she wanted to do the ears bless her) and I painted it in. My littlies wanted him to be blue just like Peter Rabbit (we adore Peter Rabbit and all Beatrix Potter in this house) and I went for a nice pastel colour so I wasn’t too eye catching. The tails I made from more cardboard. Again sketched out and painted while. Then just went I thought I was done Little Bear said that the tail needed to be fluffy. I was a bit panicked until I found this old tissue paper in my gift-wrapping stash. I simply scrunched it up and stuck it on with the children’s PVA glue. We’ve already had lots of fun playing with this game (including sticking the bunny tails on our own bottoms and hoping around the living room) and I think it will come out again and again at Easter for many years to come.

Hoppy Easter sign

I saw this cute little saying all over Instagram last year and decided to make a little sign for our kitchen and Easter table this year. I added a little bunny because, if you’ve been here a while you’ll have noticed, we love bunnies. Again I made this on the back of an old bit of cardboard, painted it white with acrylic paint, and then sketched the words and picture on. The words were a bit fiddly but after a few attempts I was happy with what I had and painted them on. I’d I was to do it again I would use acrylic paint for the bunny and words. I used some of the children’s paint as it was exactly the colours I wanted but it was too thin for the job. I am still happy with the outcome though and am excited to add it to our Easter table on Sunday.

Bunny Bottles

I got these cute little milk bottles years ago as I saw people doing cool things with them all over Pinterest. I’ve not really used them for more than warm milk for the children at Christmas time so was excited to get them out for this. This is a great example of using what you have, it not looking perfect, but doing it anyway. I made little strips of pink paper long enough to wrap around the bottleneck and then drew out some ears. Then simply tape the ears onto the back of your strip and tape it together on the bottle. I was going to leave it as just ears but Little Bear begged me for a face so I drew on one using the window pen I bought for Christmas window drawings. I simply put a little bunny nose and whiskers on them, and added eyes, a smile, and bunny teeth on the one for Brother Bear. They aren’t Pinterest perfect but they were loads of fun to make with my little ones and they adore them and are super excited to use them over the weekend.

I hope that if you take anything away from this post it’s that you don’t need a craft set or perfect drawing skills. You need a few bits of cardboard, paper, etc, and the ability to enjoy the process more than trying to make the outcome perfect.

I hope you have a wonderful Easter. 

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