50 Screen-Free Spring Activities
During the colder winter months our screen time, as well as the children’s, tends to creep up. I think it’s a natural part of hibernating, but when spring comes around and as the weather starts improving and more things are open, I like to make a big effort to get us back to only watching a movie together on Sundays. I find that doing this pushes us to go out and enjoy the season and everything it has to offer, as well as setting us up for a really positive and active summer.
Here are our favourite spring-time activities (though many of these ideas are great all year round):
- Bug Bingo
- Ladybird hunting
- Den building
- Marshmallow toasting over the fire pit
- Roller skating
- Paddling pool partys
- Garden obstacle course
- Washing the car
- Dancing in the rain
- Helping to plant flowers and/or vegetables
- Playing tag
- Chalk drawing
- Filling the birdfeeder and making note of who comes to visit
Out and About
- Rolling down a grassy hill
- Tree climbing
- Daffodile hunting
- Rock pooling
- Bluebell walks
- Strawberry picking
- Family bike rides
- Puddle jumping (and making stories up about where jumping in the puddle takes you!)
- Throwing stones into the sea or a river
- Flying a kite
- Getting fish (or tofish in our case) and chips and eating on the beach
- Ice cream making
- Cookie making
- Fruit jelly making
- Helping with a family BBQ
- Making fruit kabobs
Days out
- Visitng a castle
- Steam train rides
- Visiting a grand house and it’s gardens
- Visiting a play park a bit further away than normal – dont forget the snacks!
- Beach trips
- Picnics
- Pub circle walk (start at a nice pub, walk a loop and then end up back where you started for a cold drink!)
- Visiting an animal shelter
- Feeding the ducks at the duck pond
Inside – great for rainy days
- Watercolour painting
- Playdough
- Building a fort
- Duplo
- Wooden railway
- Reading a story and then acting it out
- Decluttering – help your children go through their clothes and toys so they can give them to someone who may need them more
- Singing sessions (ours are normally Disney and Paw Patrol songs!)
- Making dress-up clothes – crowns, wands, cloaks, etc
- Dance parties! We do this most weekends regardless of the weather!
- Puzzles
- Playing a family board game
What have we forgotten? I’m sure there are many other things that could be added to this list.
Happy screen-free spring!