Blackberry picking
The pure joy of picking fruit is, I think, to eat not what you want but rather what nature is giving you at that moment and accept it, to live in total harmony with nature and the seasons.
I felt a bit foolish the first time we took our daughter blackberry picking and explained to her about the seasons and mother nature and the joy of living in harmony with our surroundings; after all, she was six months old. But now, she and her brother, aged four and three, look forward to blackberry picking season with pure joy. The same way they look forward to pumpkins at Halloween, Gingerbread men and Christmas lights, our valentines day family meal, cherry blossom and cherry picking.
Living with the seasons not only makes your soul peaceful, but it also gives you a seasonal rhythm that helps you feel centred, as well as creating stability and lifelong family memories.
When looking for a good place to go blackberry picking I would say try to find some growing away from a roadside as you don’t want fruit that has grown surrounded by car fumes. The joy of blackberries is they like to live down beautiful wobbly lanes, and hidden in fields with thick bushes.
When blackberry picking you are likely to get a wonderful view and walk as well as yummy fruit and happy, smiling, blackberry-stained children!
Happy picking,
Livvy and Summer