Hggye at Home in Autumn

As you may have noticed if you’ve been around for a while or stumbled upon some of our previous posts we’re big fans of hggye. I first read about this Danish concept when I was pregnant with my little girl, so over four years ago now, and I still love it now just as much as I did then. We have done our best to include hggye into every day, and every season of our lives (Ways we hggye in summer can be found here and our autumn hygge traditions can be found here). In this post, I am going to focus on how to create hygge specifically in your home as the months start to get colder and evenings darker.

Firstly hygge is a mindset, it’s not about material things. It’s about celebrating life. Real-life, and real-life isn’t none stop film-like moments, but real everyday moments. They are experiences that make you feel content, cozy, warm, and loved.

To try and achieve this I like to focus on the lighting in my home. I started focusing on this aspect after a trip to a friend’s house a few years back are noticed how much nicer the atmosphere was with all of the soft, warming side lights she had compared to the bright and harsh overhead lights I had. After adding more sidelights and lanterns our home now feels much cosier. You could also add fairy lights or candles, and if you are lucky enough a log burner or fire. These types of lights are softer and more forgiving, giving everything a kinder feel to it. This will do the same to your mood, and the mood of your family or guests.

Textures, and lots of them, help me to feel cozy in my space. These could be blankets, quilts, cushions, whatever works for you. I have lots of blankets as my husband hates cushions being everywhere! I also find knitted blankets and quilts to be a great cozy option.

Natural elements add coziness to any setting and reinforce our connection with nature. Wood for furniture or floors, wool for jumpers, pinecones as decorations, seasonal and local flower bouquets, etc. Having the natural world around you helps you feel connected and grounded.

Sounds are also important and often an aspect that I overlook. This could be your favourite playlist or even the sound of rain on the windows or wind rustling the trees.

Keep yourself warm. With leggings, extra socks, big jumpers, and when you go outside; hats, scarves, and gloves. By keeping yourself warm you are way more likely to enjoy the season and keep your spirits up, thus focusing on the good and the hygge moments you are creating!

Treat yourself and your family like guests. Make sure you have everything in to make nice hot drinks (different types of tea, hot chocolate, cafetiere coffee), or put the extra effort into dinner, whether it’s making a starter, or using nice plates. On Sundays, we get out our china collection and have french pastries or homemade cinnamon rolls for breakfast with hot tea and pressed coffee. It’s often the highlight of my week and something the children look forward to. Make sure to keep the house warm, keep it clean and decluttered so you can rest and be present in the moment when your children wish to play or create something with you. Bake cookies or your favourite cake at the weekend for everyone to enjoy as you would if you had guests or cook a big pudding together as a family for enjoying after Sunday lunch, another highly anticipated part of our week.

Go outside every day, even if it’s wet and windy. Then come back in for a hot drink, baked goods and snuggle on the sofa! Trust me, it’s even more snuggly after being outside in the elements

And finally, less media consumption and more handwork, whether it’s writing, reading, painting, woodwork, or letter-writing find something to do with your head and hands in the evenings that isn’t scrolling on social media or watching the TV screen. I know from past experience that this isn’t a popular opinion but honestly this makes a big difference, and I did say less, not none.

What things do you and your family do to help create a hygge feel in your home? I would love to know, as the joy of hygge is that it’s personal to each individual and home.

Blankets and Baked goods

Livvy and Summer

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