Spring Cleaning
I like to try and give the house a big head-to-toe clean about twice a year; a Spring Clean in May and an Autumn Clean at the end of September. I started my Spring Clean this bank holiday weekend and a friend asked me to share my ‘To Do’ list with her (I do love a good list!).

As she found it helpful I thought I would share it here also. Luckily Paul and I got a lot of the washing and drying jobs on the list done yesterday when it was sunny and warm. Today is grey and raining, with thunder and lightning, so I am extra glad that we achieved so much yesterday. Due to the weather, I am staying firmly inside to tackle some of the easier jobs while the children jump around in the puddles on the patio.
Hopefully, by the end of the week the house will be super clean and decluttered, and ready for us to be traipsing in and out of it over the following months as we visit the beach, parks, woods and PYOs.
So here it is, my Spring Cleaning list:
⬜ Clean oven
⬜ Clean extractor hood
⬜ Organise and clean fridge
⬜ Sort out kitchen cupboards
⬜ Clean cupboard doors
⬜ Wipe down cupboard tops
⬜ Clean tiles and splashback
⬜ Wash floor
⬜ Wash the bin
⬜ Clean appliances
⬜ Put dishwasher on an empty wash with a wedge of lemon in it
⬜ Put washing machine on an empty hot wash (90*)
Dining room:
⬜ Organise dresser
⬜ Clean and tidy cutlery draw
⬜ Wash placemats etc
⬜ Wash cloth napkins
⬜ Wash curtains
Living room:
⬜ Organise stationary draw
⬜ Organise shoe storage cupboard
⬜ Hoover under sofa cushions
⬜ Sort bookcases and charity shop anything old/unwanted
⬜ Wash carpet
⬜ Print and update photos
⬜ Empty Woodburner of ash and scrub it
⬜ Sort through coats
⬜ Hoover around carpet edges, especially on the stairs
⬜ Clean bannisters
⬜ Scrub toilet
⬜ Scrub bathtub
⬜ Clean tiles and grouting
⬜ Delimescale taps, shower head etc
⬜ Wash floor
⬜ Sort through cupboard
⬜ Check any medicines are in date

⬜ Hoover around carpet edges
⬜ Wash carpet if needed
⬜ Organise clothes and donate old ones
⬜ Organise linen and towels cupboard
⬜ Flip mattresses
⬜ Hoover mattresses
⬜ Clean and tidy under beds
⬜ Wash curtains
⬜ Wash/beat rugs
⬜ Organise bedside tables
⬜ Sort and organise clothes
⬜ Sort and organise toys
Whole house:
⬜ Hoover
⬜ Dust
⬜ Clean mirrors
⬜ Wash doors to each room
⬜ Wash windows outside
⬜ Wash windows inside
⬜ Clean window frames
⬜ Organise and file paperwork
⬜ Check smoke alarms
⬜ Hoover car
⬜ Charity shop run for unwanted items

As you can see this is a mix of everyday jobs and jobs you do less often (like cleaning the tops of kitchen cupboards). It is also very personal to my house and what I have in each room, but if you are looking to Spring Clean, I hope this list helps you.
Is there anything you have on your list that you think is missing from mine?
Happy Bank Holiday Monday,
Livvy and Summer