Our Favourite Ways to Welcome Spring
I absolutely love the changing of the seasons and Winter to Spring is always the one that I look forward to the most. Don’t get me wrong, I also go crazy for Autumn and the changing of the leaves and the dark winter-like evenings but I am always so ready for Spring. I feel the cold and Spring brings with it the hope of warmth and the promise of long evenings and fresh veggies growing in the garden.
We like to try and live as naturally and as closely with nature as possible, which will mean different things to different people. To us, it means that we have developed certain rituals and traditions that we do every year, and if we don’t do them we can feel a bit lost. This is just a little insight into what some of these traditions are.
Planting Veggie Seeds

This is usually the first thing we do that shows Spring is on its way. We will sit down together and plan out what we want to grow, where is best in the garden to grow it, and how many seeds we will need to plant. I then spend a rainy afternoon at the end of March or the beginning of April at the kitchen table planting the delicate seeds into their trays. They live in the potting shed for the first 4-6 weeks until they are strong enough to be moved outside (assuming the frost has stopped by then).
I love this little ritual, with the smell of dirt in the air and compost under my fingernails for the first time in months, it’s a wonderfully peaceful way to spend an afternoon.
Planting Annual Flowers
I plant our annual flowers towards the end of April. My go-to favourites for hanging baskets are petunias and pansies, both of which I have had a lot of success with and which make the most beautiful, colourful baskets. For the flower garden borders, I like sweet williams and petunias and I also love to grow a tub or pot of sweet peas.
Big Spring Clean
I love a big full house clean. Most of my friends think I’m mad but I find scrubbing the whole house from top to bottom, every nook and cranny, unbelievably satisfying. I actually did a blog post on this that included our Spring Cleaning List which can be found here if you are looking for inspiration.
Knowing that not only are all the usual chores done, but also the bigger ones like washing the curtains, cleaning out the inside of cupboards, washing the windows, and reorganising cupboards fills me with joy.
Opening all the Doors and Windows
I like to do this on the first reasonably warm day we get. I think the house can get a bit stagnant with everything being shut up over the colder months and getting the windows and doors open and the fresh air circulating is so much better than room sprays – fresh spring air is definitely my preferred scent!
We also love to do this while we are doing our big Spring Clean. We work up a sweat while we are getting everything scrubbed so the fresh air is a blessing and a reminder of pure, clean days in our future.
Eating Breakfast Outside

We love to eat as many of our meals outside as possible over the year, listening to the birds and feeling the breeze on your face just makes the whole experience more relaxing and enjoyable. Having the back doors thrown open all day and our space continuing into the garden instantly makes the house feel bigger, airier and full of light. It also means less cleaning up with the little ones!
I must admit that we look forward to eating our meals outside so much that the first few weeks we are often bundled up in jumpers, but it really is good for the soul!
Going on a Bluebell Walk
We started doing this the first year we lived together and have done it every year since, with only a few exceptions. We lived in a flat in Essex and had no money to spare but loved to get out and about in the local area, and one day we went on a walk in the local forest over bluebell season and it was so magical (and free!) so we promised ourselves that we would try and do it every year. Bluebell season here in the UK is normally the end of April/beginning of May.
Even if it’s not a bluebell walk specifically, we just love being outside as a family and make a point of going on a Sunday morning family walk each week. It’s lovely to show the children the signs of Spring, whether it’s new bird song or flowers beginning to bloom; the signs of Spring are most prominent when out in nature with very few distractions.
Seeing our Food Menu Start to Change
Finally, the best thing about the change of seasons is the gradual change in our food. Not that I don’t love root vegetables but by the end of March/beginning of April I am ready and waiting for all the fresh fruits and vegetables that become available with the warmer weather; asparagus, cherries, berries, and tomatoes being my favourite.
I hope this post has given you some ideas on how you can slow down and embrace the changing of the seasons and welcome Spring into your home. Please comment below some of the seasonal changes your family notice, we would love to hear them.
Livvy and Summer